Parents/guardians and health care provider are responsible for prescribing students drugs, medications or home remedies. Medications should be administered at home under the supervision of the parent or guardian when possible. However, when students require administration of medications during the regular school day, the following procedures will be followed.
Parent or Guardian Must Bring the Medication to School
If the parent or guardian is unable to bring the medication to school, they should contact the school health office prior to sending the medication and also note the quantity of the medication being sent.
Health Care Provider Order for Medication or Medical Treatment and Parent/Guardian Authorization
Emergency Action Plans
Before medication (including over-the-counter, herbal or food supplements) will be dispensed by school staff, the school health office must receive authorization from the student’s licensed health care provider and from the parent or guardian.
We accept original or faxed copies of a prescriber’s order on their order forms or letterhead. Parental permission may be added to the prescriber’s form. Authorization must include:
- Student name
- Date
- Name of medicine
- Dosage
- Time of day it is to be taken
- Duration of time it is to be taken
- Licensed health care provider signature
- Parent signature
For students with specific health concerns, the medication authorization can also be completed on an emergency care plan.
Medication authorizations are required at the start of each school year and automatically expire at the end of that school year. Students are allowed to carry their inhalers and EpiPens with health care provider and parent or guardian authorization.
Prescription Medications
Prescription medications must be supplied in the original prescription bottle and completely labeled with the date, student name, name of medication and dosage, name of prescribing health care provider, route of administration, clear directions for administration and medication expiration date.
Prescription medications brought to school in any other container will not be administered. No expired medications will be accepted. Questions regarding dosage and administration of the medications will be directed to the prescribing health care provider or the parent/guardian at the discretion of the health office staff. Medications will be administered only after any questions have been resolved.
Over-the-Counter Medications
Over-the-counter medications must be provided in the original labeled container. Over-the-counter medications will only be administered to students according to health care provider orders and parent/guardian consent. This includes, but is not limited to, medications, vitamins, supplements, and topical treatments. With questions about specific over-the-counter medications and their use, contact your school's health office.
Sharing of Medications Prohibited
Students may not share prescription or over-the-counter medications with other students. Appropriate disciplinary action may be taken if necessary, upon the determination by the principal or his or her designee, after an investigation that a violation of this procedure has taken place.
Unused Medications
When the use of a medication has been discontinued or is no longer needed by the student, it is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to pick up unused medications from the school. Parents/guardians will receive a reminder that their student has medication left in the health office at the end of the year. If a parent/guardian does not pick up the medication or call the health office to make other arrangements for the medication to be sent home, unused medications will be disposed of by the district. Medications cannot be kept in the health office over the summer with the intent of using them the next school year.
Dispensing of Medication by School Personnel
When the Building Nurse is not available and a medication must be given, the Health Services Department in cooperation with the principal, will select a designated person to assume this responsibility. The designated person will be trained in the correct method of medication administration.
When any type of medication is found in a student’s possession, the teacher will contact the school health office. If the student does not have a current order to self carry the medication, the parent/guardian will be asked to come and pick it up. The school’s guidelines on medication will be explained.
Medication Changes or Termination
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school when a medication changes or if the medication is discontinued. Any changes in dosing must come with a signature from the licensed health care provider.
Field Trips
Health Services staff do not routinely accompany students on field trips. Prior to leaving the building, health service staff, teachers, parents/guardians and students share the responsibility of communicating health issues that may need to be addressed while on the field trip.
If medication is needed during the time of the field trip, another district employee will be designated to assume this responsibility after receiving appropriate medication administration instructions. The student's parent/guardian may also choose to chaperone the field trip and dispense their child's medication.
Field trips that take place outside of the school day, including overnight field trips will follow the Field Trip Medication Administration Procedure.