Human Resources

Welcome to Bloomington Public Schools! Our staff are our most important resource for providing learners with a high quality educational experience and supporting the many services our district offers. The Human Resources team looks forward to providing you with excellent service.

Educational Services Center - Room 501
Phone: 952-681-6440
Fax: 952-681-6449

Our office is in the Oak Grove Middle School building. Please enter through Door 5 from the west parking lot. We're in Room 501. Directions

Mailing Address

Office of Human Resources
Bloomington Public Schools
Educational Services Center
1350 W. 106th Street
Bloomington, MN 55431

Mary Burroughs 
Executive Director of Human Resources

  • Employee Relations
  • Title IX Coordinator

Luci Goltz 
HR Coordinator

  • Staff and position control
  • Salary placement, staffing, and position control
  • Contract interpretation and seniority lists

Vickie Hepler 
Benefits Specialist

  • Medical, Dental, Vision, Health Saving Account (HSA), Dependent care flex spending FSA
  • Life, Long-term Disability (LTD), Accident, and Critical Illnesses
  • Retirements, resignations, COBRA

Brianna Hamre 
HR Generalist

  • Teachers and Principals
  • Lane changes
  • Loan forgiveness forms

Khoudia "Anna" Dia 
HR Generalist

  • Health Service Associates, Community Education and Independent salaried and hourly
  • Temporary and Casual assignments including coaches
  • Verification of employment
  • Community Education Hourly

Kim Myers 
HR Generalist

  • Reserve teachers, Clerks, and Custodial
  • Frontline help desk and training

Jenny Wine 
HR Generalist 

  • Transportation, Paraprofessional and Substitute Paraprofessionals
  • Hiring process, job vacancies, and employment applications
  • Workers Compensation & First Report of Injuries 

Recording an Absence and Requesting a Sub

  1. If you are going to be absent from work,  enter the absence into Skyward first.

  2. When putting the request into Skyward, check the box that has 'sub needed' next to it, and you will automatically be redirected to Absence Management to enter the sub request.

  3. All employees are responsible for entering their own leave requests into Skyward and Absence Management. In order for to subs to be paid, all time must be recorded in both Skyward and Absence Management.

Record an Absence 

Bloomington Federation of Teachers (BFT)

Bloomington Federation of Paraprofessionals

Bloomington Principals' Association

Association of Bloomington Clerical

Custodial, Maintenance and Transportation Employees 

Food Service Association

Health Services Associates

Compensation & Benefit Plans

If you have been offered a position with Bloomington Schools, you will be contacted by Human Resources to set up an appointment to complete your onboarding process. 

Reserve Teachers, Paraprofessionals and Food Service Staff

Reserve Teachers

This information is intended to support and assist our reserve teachers in preparing and carrying out their duties and responsibilities when teaching in our schools. We hope this information will assist you in making your reserve teaching experience as positive and productive as possible.


Kim Myers
Human Resources Office

Prior approval for leave is required anytime you are absent from work except for personal illness, dependent child illness (or other relative as allowed by state law) less than 5 days.

Short-term leaves are requested through Skyward and do not require a paper leave form. District approved leave includes bereavement, required legal appearances and jury duty. For bereavement, a comment needs to be made regarding who the bereavement time is for. For required legal appearances, a copy of the subpoena should be sent to Human Resources. For jury duty, a leave form and jury duty summons should be sent to Human Resources.

To request District approved leave, log in to your Skyward account and record the time indicating the reason and send supporting documentation, if necessary, to Human Resources. Please allow at least three days for your supervisor and Human Resources to approve.

For medical absences of more than four days, jury duty, year-long leaves, etc:

  1. Complete the leave request form.
  2. Complete and attach a doctor’s note if required or if submitting the on-line form send your doctor note directly to Human Resources.
  3. Give the form to your principal/supervisor to sign. Once approved the form will be forwarded to Human Resources for district approval.
  4. You will receive an email back once your leave request has been approved/denied. 

Be sure to record the absence on Skyward and Aesop if you need a sub.  If you are a teacher and the leave is for more than 30 days, your long-call will be hired through Human Resources and you will indicate no sub needed. 

Required Forms - Medical related FMLA

Along with the District's Leave Request form, for medical related FMLA leaves staff should submit the appropriate Certification Form, found below, which is filled out by a physician and should be turned in with the District Leave Request form.

All questions on leaves and FMLA leaves should be directed to Human Resources to the HR contact representing your Unit.

Family and Medical Leave

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)  entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks (60 days) of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12 month period for specified family and medical reasons, including:

  • your own serious health condition
  • to care for your child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care
  • to care for your spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition
  • because of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that your spouse, son, daughter or parent is on active duty or call to active duty status in support of a contingency operation as a member of the National Guard or Reserves
  • because you are the spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin of a covered service member with a serious injury or illness.

Earned Sick and Safe Time

Employees may use sick leave for the mental or physical illness or injury of family members for reasonable periods of time as the employee's attendance may be necessary, on the same terms upon which the employee is able to use sick leave benefits for the employee's own illness. State law has been expanded to include the care of all relatives and up to one designated non-relative per year when using available sick leave. See the state's definition of family members who can be cared for using sick leave.

Employees may use sick leave as allowed under this section for safety leave. Safety leave may be used for assistance to the employee or assistance to the relatives described above for the purpose of providing or receiving assistance because of sexual assault, domestic abuse or stalking.

Employees may also use this time for closure of the employee’s workplace due to weather or public emergency or closure of a family member’s school or care facility due to weather or public emergency. 

For more information, please review the Earned Sick and Safe Time Employee Notice.

Childbirth Leave

Human Resources understands planning for a childbirth leave involves many variables. It may be helpful to have written information to some of the most common questions as you plan and discuss options with your family. In order to assist in planning for this type of leave, Human Resources has developed FAQs around childbirth leaves. This is a good starting place for general information to questions about FMLA, use of sick leave and pay.

*If adding your new baby to the District health insurance, login to Employee Navigator and submit the change within 30 days of their birth.

Jury Duty

Employees who are summoned for jury service will be paid their regular basic wages contingent upon remitting to the school district the compensation received for jury duty services.  On days when jurors are dismissed from duty at an early hour, you will be expected to return to work for the balance of your workday. 

If you are summoned for jury duty, please notify your supervisor immediately. Complete a leave of absence request form and submit it to your supervisor with a copy of your jury summons. You will receive a copy of your approved leave with reimbursement instructions once it has been approved by Human Resources.

Please be sure to record your absences in Skyward as jury duty.

Military Leave

Please contact Human Resources to obtain the appropriate form.

For all employment verifications, please email or send a fax to 952-681-6449.

Title IX Coordinator & Human Rights Officer

The Bloomington Public Schools District takes Title IX and Human Rights complaints seriously. Board Policy 413:  Harassment and Violence governs the process for addressing these complaints. While not required, individuals can make complaints using this form.

Contact Information

Mary Burroughs
Executive Director of Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator/Human Rights Officer

Employee Training

The following employees of Bloomington Public Schools have attended training on the new Title IX updates: executive director of human resources, assistant superintendent, all school principals, and some leaders in community education and special education.


With any questions about staff professional development, please call 952-681-6493.