BTC celebrates five years of exemplary recognition by MDE

Published on Jul 18, 2024

For the fifth consecutive year, Bloomington Transition Center (BTC) was recognized as a Sustaining Exemplar school by the Minnesota Department of Education for successfully implementing and sustaining Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

PBIS is a framework for meeting the social, emotional and behavioral needs of students, promoting positive behavior, and improving student outcomes. By acknowledging students’ achievements and building respectful spaces to foster positive relationships, PBIS helps improve school climate at BTC and support students in gaining valuable employment and post-secondary readiness skills.

BTC is a Bloomington Public Schools program providing services for students 18-21 years who benefit from special education services upon completion of high school while transitioning to independent living and working in the community.

BTC and more than 80 other schools will be honored during the PBIS Summer Institute and Recognition Ceremony on Aug. 15.

BTC graduated its largest class ever this year with 39 students earning their diplomas.