Why Attend Oak Grove Middle?
Welcome to Oak Grove Middle!
Oak Middle School provides a safe, supportive learning community where ALL students are challenged to reach their highest levels of achievement and grow as individuals.
Positive School Culture
At Oak Grove, we believe in the community values of respect, responsibility, integrity, citizenship, honesty, and teamwork, and our student-centered programs reflect those values.
Individualized Attention
Oak Grove provides opportunities for a wide range of learners including a robust special education department, a well-respected gifted education track called Dimensions Academy, and individualized attention for all of our students.
Personalized Learning
We focus on personalized learning and teaching to meet the needs of all students. Each grade level has two teams to create a smaller learning community of teachers and students.
We work hard to create connections between families and staff because we know that a strong school-family relationship benefits students. Teachers and staff have years of experience with the social and emotional learning that takes place at this age.
Academic Rigor
We set high academic expectations to encourage all students to achieve their potential. Core curriculum and advanced courses challenge students and strengthen critical thinking skills. Students may be eligible for our Dimensions Academy program for academically gifted learners.
Future-Focused Learning
Oak Grove enhances strong academic programs with a state-of-the-art media center, Makerspace, flex spaces and classrooms to support the district’s Next Technologies for Learning (NTL) initiative, focusing on digital content; anytime, anywhere learning; and Personal Growth Plans.
Bloomington’s middle schools are among a select few in the state that offer Project Lead the Way courses, a program that integrates STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).
All middle school students receive a Chromebook. They use the devices for learning in many different subjects through assignments and assessments, creating websites, videos, portfolios and short stories, and to access the Hub and Infinite Campus.