The American Indian Education Program is committed to working together with parents and families in order to meet the unique educational and cultural needs of students of American Indian heritage.
The goals and activities are determined with assistance and guidance provided by the District's American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) as well as ongoing community needs assessments conducted by the program. If you are interested in joining the Parent Committee and/or learning more about the American Indian Education Program, please contact our office.
Any student who self identifies as American Indian and is coded North American Indian on Infinite Campus is eligible to participate in the District’s American Indian Education Program. There is no cost to participate and all services are free of charge.
506 forms are used to apply and qualify for a grant from the Federal Office of Indian Education. The form allows the school district to leverage funding to support American Indian students by providing programming, books and services.
Families are not required to fill out a 506 form to participate. However, filling out a form helps provide funding that make American Indian Education services and programming possible.
Who is eligible to fill out a 506 form? Any student who is:
- an enrolled member of a tribe
- has a parent who is an enrolled member of a tribe
- has a grandparent who is an enrolled member of a tribe
If possible, please fill out the 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form. This fully CONFIDENTIAL document allows the school district to leverage funding to support American Indian students and will be kept on file at the District’s Indian Education Office. Once filled out, the form can be emailed to Clarissa at or mailed to the AIE office.
- Family events
- Culturally specific activities for students and families
- Checking and connecting with students in need at the secondary level
- Access to supportive relationships
- IEP support
- Youth development activities
- Life skills guidance
- Lending library - all Native authors!
- Postsecondary preparation
- Community gatherings
- Out-of-school programming
- Culturally relevant professional development
- Classroom resource support
The American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC) is a dedicated group of parents, grandparents and caregivers of American Indian children. High school students are also encouraged to participate.
The committee serves as a vital link between the American Indian community and Bloomington Public Schools.
For more information, please contact the Indian Education Office at 952-806-7954.
Current Parent Committee Members
- Chair: Jennifer Tangness
- Secretary: Patty Veitenheimer
- Domanique Davis
- Fawn Hansen
- Student Representative: Alejandra Baltazar
- Student Representative: Veronica Jackson
2024-25 Organizational Meeting Dates
- Sept. 10
- Oct. 22
- Nov. 12
- Dec. 10
- Jan. 14
- Feb. 11
- March 11
- April 15
- May 13
Mark your calendars! You must be registered for all events. Details and registration information will be emailed closer to event dates.
Ice Fishing with MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge – Saturday, Feb. 15, 10:45 a.m., Como Lake, St. Paul
Secondary Community Night (SCN) – Every other Wednesday, Feb. 5 - May 21, 5:30 p.m., Valley View Middle School
MN Tribal Nations

Minnesota Native American Essential Understandings for Educators
MN Native American Essential Understandings for Educators provides teaching resources about Native American subjects in use in Minnesota K-12 schools, with recommended important strategies to improve the way Indigenous content can be learned by future generations of Minnesotans.
A name is given for each moon phase (month) to symbolize the significant events essential for food gathering and survival.
Dakota: Wiča Owe Wi - The Raccoon Moon
Ojibwe: Namebini-Giizis - Suckerfish Moon
Hiedi Hecker
American Indian Education Coordinator
Clarissa Seidl
American Indian Education Specialist
Natalie Tangness
American Indian Education Specialist
American Indian Education, ISD 271
Pond Center
9600 3rd Avenue South, Room 205B
Bloomington, MN 55420