Beacon Alternative Learning Program

Beacon ALP is an education alternative that provides a variety of ways for students to earn credits toward a high school diploma. The program is designed to increase student learning by offering a smaller classroom setting and a wide variety of academic support. Beacon values high academic standards within each curricular area, meeting both Bloomington and Minnesota State Standards.

Program Options and Course Offerings

Beacon School within a school program at Kennedy offers both full-time and shared-time programming for students who meet one of the state alternative programming criteria.

Curriculum Delivery

  • Teacher-directed curriculum
  • Online instruction via Edgenuity
  • Packet-based instruction - limited

Students must enroll through their Kennedy counselor.

All classes are trimester credits, 12 weeks per class.

English Math Social Studies Science Electives
English 9 A/B/C Intermediate Algebra A/B/C Social studies 9 A/B/C Physical Science A/B/C Work-based learning
English 10 A/B/C Geometry A/B/C Economics Biology A/B/C Job skills
English 11 A/B/C Algebra A/B/C Government Chemistry/Physics A/B/C Art elective
English 12 A/B/C Senior math US History A/B/C   Careers
    World History A/B/C    

Beacon Credit Recovery at Jefferson offers credit recovery during the school day for grades 11 and 12 using online instruction via Edgenuity.  Students are required to attend school on a daily basis.

Students must enroll through their Jefferson counselor.

All classes are trimester credits (12 weeks per class).  Class offerings are limited.

Social Studies Science
Social studies A/B/C Physical science
Economics Biology A/B/C
Government Chemistry/physics A/B/C
US history A/B/C Careers
World History A/B/C  


Students attend credit make-up classes following a full day at Kennedy or Jefferson high school. After-school credit recovery is open to Bloomington students ages 16 and older and is offered trimesters 2 and 3 two days per week.

Summer school credit recovery classes are offered at Kennedy High School for students in grades 9-11 who have been referred by their Kennedy or Jefferson counselor for credit recovery. Invite letters/registration will be sent to students at the end of May.

Parent and Student Information
Enrollment and schedule information, attendance policy, behavior requirements and other program policies
Community Resources
Support and counseling resources, housing information, food resources, employment assistance, resource centers, economical and medical assistance, childcare resources, legal resources and educational services


Attendance Line: 952-681-5056
Attendance Email:

Stacey EnsrudProgram
Jeff DunlapSocial Studies/Science/Work
Brea CopelandCheck/Connect