Research, Evaluation, and Assessment

The Office of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment is responsible for the administration, scoring and analysis of all district and statewide tests. Our mission is to collect meaningful information, report it in a timely manner and communicate the results clearly. The information that is obtained from these assessments is used by teachers, administrators, and families to help them better understand how students in Bloomington are learning important skills in reading, mathematics and writing.

About our Student Testing System

Bloomington Public Schools measures the academic growth of each student in grades 1-9 with the Northwest Evaluation Association's Achievement Level Tests (MAP) in reading and mathematics. These tests are given annually to monitor the progress of individual students through the district's curriculum. The tests also enable teachers to pinpoint problem areas and adjust instruction to meet the needs of the student or class.

952-681-6568 - Fax

Elizabeth Karges, MLIS
District Assessment Coordinator

Rik Lamm, Ph.D.
Research, Evaluation, and Assessment Scientist

Julio Caésar, Ph.D. 
Executive Director of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment

Research Requests
Research Request Form
Policy 515.1 Administration Procedures for Research
Policy 515.2 Student Surveys Used for Research
Policy 515.3 Student Research
Testing Resources
District Assessment Calendar 2024-25
MCA Test Schedule 2023-24
ACCESS Test Schedule 2024-25
Family Guide to MAP Growth
District MAP Refusal to Test Form
Guide to Statewide Testing and Refusal to Test Form
Minnesota Statewide Test Security Tip Line
Testing Resources En Español
Una Guía Familiar para MAP Growth
Permiso del Padre O Tutor Para Que El Estudiante Se Abstenga de Participar en Las Pruebas MAP Del Distrito
Guía y negación de permiso para padres/tutores acerca de la participación del estudiante en las pruebas estatales
Testing Resources Soomali
Ku Hagidda Qoyska MAP Growth
Foomka Diidmada Waalidka/Mas'uulka Ee Ka Qayb Galka Ardayga Imtixaanka Map-Ka Ee Degmada
Hagaha Waalidka/masuulka iyo diidmada ka qayb qaadashada ardeeyga ee imtixaanka gobalada
Minnesota Evaluation and Assessment Resources
Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI)
Minnesota Department of Education
National Evaluation and Assessment Resources
National Center for Education Statistics
National Council on Measurement in Education
The Nation's Report Card
Northwest Evaluation Association
U.S. Department of Education