Minnesota's leader in K-12 computer science education
Creating opportunities for students to widen their perspectives on the world using technology and see themselves as technologists with future careers in the broad scope of creative and technical fields.
Our computer science programs are designed to remove barriers and empower students with the skills and knowledge necessary to joyfully and creatively solve real-world challenges through computer science.
Here, students learn the skills, knowledge, and mindsets necessary to leverage the power of computers to solve problems and express themselves. Our Next Technologies for Learning plan identifies computer science as a critical component to building creative problem solvers and providing pathways to career and college. In the 21st century, we need citizens who are not only digitally literate, but able to solve problems and innovate through computer science.
Students learn computational thinking skills through computer science experiences that help in all subject areas. Every day our students are learning about problem solving, logic, patterns, breaking things into smaller parts, writing steps and rules, and more. These thinking skills help students now with reading, writing, and math and prepare them to be the thinkers, problem solvers, and computer scientists of tomorrow.
We create opportunities for students to experience computer science through physical movement, robotics, on screen coding programs, real world design challenges, and creating solutions and expressions of themselves. Our students make “computers” out of paper, make their friends into “robots”, and tell stories by coding on screen.