Business Office

The Business Services Department strives to provide the most cost-efficient and effective system possible to support and enhance the learning environment and the many operations of Bloomington Public Schools within our budget parameters.


  • Payroll, including direct deposits, deductions, and withholding;
  • Accounts payable including purchasing, purchase orders and purchase cards;
  • Budgeting aligned with the strategic plan, which strives to provide sound fiscal management;
  • Other finance services: contract review, petty cash, bank deposits, NSF and returned checks, tax exempt forms, property and liability insurance claims filing, processing of expense and mileage reimbursement forms.


Business Services
Educational Services Center
1350 W. 106th St.
Bloomington, MN 55431

Laurie Henning-Johnson
Confidential Administrative Assistant
952-681-6435 - fax

Staff Resources and Forms


  • Checks are cut on the 5th and 20th of each month unless it falls on a holiday or weekend.
  • P-Card transaction envelopes are due monthly. P-Card cycles end on the 27th of each month.

Check Requests

  • Check request forms must be received by the Business Services Office by the due date at 4 p.m. in order to be processed in the check run.
  • Please remember to include backup documentation for all check requests. If the back-up documentation that you are providing needs to be sent along with the check, please provide a second photo copy to keep on file for auditing purposes.
  • All check requests must have a budget code and be signed by a supervisor/principal.

Check request form

Expense Transfers

  • Use the expense transfer form to make a request to transfer funds from one account to another.

expense transfer form

Purchase Orders

  • If at all possible, purchase orders should be used when placing orders.
  • All purchase orders will indicate a ship to and bill to address and must be fully approved by the Purchasing Agent to be valid.
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 952-681-6424.

Tax Exempt

  • For security purposes, the district cannot post our tax exempt certificate online.
  • Please contact us at 952-681-6421 to request a tax exempt certificate.

W-9 Forms

  • Independent contractors and other people who work for themselves need to report their social security number or business tax ID number to the district by filling out a W-9 form.
  • The district is required by law to submit 1099 forms to report self-employment income.
  • W-9s are requested from all new vendors to determine whether or not 1099 forms will need to be provided to the IRS.

W-9 form

The Business Services Office oversees the Business Office, Buildings and Grounds, Food Services, and Transportation departments. The controller, accountant, revenue accountant, accounts payable, and payroll,  are all part of the Business Services Office and are located in the Educational Services Center Room 505, 1350 W. 106th St., Bloomington.

Athletic Form

Payments for referees and athletic officials for middle and high school games and meets are processed by the Business Office twice a month, based on submission date.

Athletic payment form


Contracts, agreements and documents that contain "Terms and Conditions" or "Terms of Service" go through a vetting process. This is also the case for renewal agreements, addendums and amendments to contracts. The vetting process includes reviews by district legal counsel, district insurance agent, and the Technology and Information Services department if student data, data security or related language are contained in the agreement. After the vetting process and after necessary edits or updates are secured the agreement is ready for final approval.

Generally, if a contract is more than $5,000 in value, the school board reviews and approves it. The contract is accompanied by a resolution and signed following a board meeting. Electronic signatures may be obtained following a board meeting.

Questions about contracts can be sent to Jennifer Hazel,, 952-681-6421.


  • School Board elections are held every two years with either three or four members up for re-election on alternating years. Terms are four years.
  • Contact Deputy Elections Clerk Jennifer Hazel at 952-681-6421 or for information about filing for office.

Expense Reports and Reimbursement

Reimbursement for employee expenses, mileage and qualifying cell phone usage are processed by the Business Office using the appropriate form.

 Mileage Reimbursement

  • Effective January 1, 2025, the mileage reimbursement is 70 cents per mile, per IRS guidelines.
  • Effective January 1, 2024, the mileage reimbursement is 67 cents per mile, per IRS guidelines.
  • Mileage Reports are paid twice per month by direct deposit into the employee's bank account.
  • Mileage Reports must be signed by your supervisor and include a budget code.

Mileage Report

Expense Reimbursement

  • Expense Reimbursement Reports are paid twice per month by direct deposit into the employee’s bank account.
  • Reports must be signed by your supervisor and include a budget code.
  • Business Services can only accept original receipts and cannot reimburse for sales tax.

Employee Expense Report

Out-of-State Travel Guidelines

Any out-of-state travel must have written approval at least one month prior to the event and must be paid for in advance on either the District credit card or via a Request for Check Form, as detailed in Policy 412 on Expense Reimbursement. Please review all requirements and processes in the Out-of-State Travel Guidelines.

Out-of-State Travel Guidelines

Cell Phone Reimbursement

  • Employees who qualify for reimbursement of business use of their cell phone must fill out an Expense Reimbursement Report and have it signed by the executive director of their area.
  • Reimbursements for this purpose are paid twice a year by direct deposit into the employee's bank account:
    • December (for usage in July-Dec.)
    • June (for usage in Jan.-June)
  • Attachments to this report must include:
    • The front page of one month's cell phone phone. Bills must show the employee name or the family member they're linked to.
    • A bill or call history with district phone numbers highlighted.
  • The monthly reimbursement rate an employee is eligible for is determined by the executive director of their area. Principals and assistant principals must have their form signed by the Assistant Superintendent. All other forms may be sent to the Business Office for review and processing.

Employee Expense Report

Gifts and Donations

  • The District acknowledges donations either in monetary form or as materials and/or supplies. These donations typically are made to individual school sites, programs or specific departments. All donations are reported to the School Board if they meet or exceed a $250.00 threshold. A corresponding Powerpoint presentation is also presented. Thank you letters are sent to the individual donors after they are acknowledged at the Board meeting. 

Gifts and donations form

Petty Cash

  • Petty cash and change funds are available on a limited basis to programs which have the frequent need for small expenditures.
  • There are restrictions on these funds and guidelines for use.

Property Claims

  • If a student or visitor is injured at a school location, or if school property is damaged, please contact the Business Office for assistance reporting and filing an insurance claim and for more information regarding the parameters of the claims process.

Returned Checks

  • Advantage Collections processes all returned checks for the school district.
  • Staff may direct parents or writers of bad checks to Advantage Collections at 1-877-479-1500.
  • Schools may not accept a replacement check for a returned check, the writer of the check(s) must work directly with Advantage Collections.

Direct Deposit

  • Pay dates are the 5th and 20th of each month. If the 5th or 20th falls on a weekend, staff are paid the Friday before.
  • Paychecks are directly deposited at the financial institution of your choice. Please use the payroll direct deposit request form (Forms A-Z) to designate where you want your paycheck deposited.
  • New employees’ first check will be a live check. With any changes to your direct deposit, you will have a live check for the next pay period. 

Direct Deposit Request Form


  • Use the IRS W-4 and MN W-4 form to make changes to your payroll withholding.

IRS W-4 Form      MN W-4 Form

Time Sheets

  • Time sheets submitted the 1st through the 15th will be paid on the 5th of the following month.
  • Time sheets submitted the 16th through the 31st will be paid on the 20th of the following month.
  • Please note that, if you download a timesheet, you still need your supervisor's signature.

Time Sheet

Business Office Staff

Laurie Henning-JohnsonConfidential Administrative
Amy SteffenBudgeting/Accounting
Sue WeberPayroll Clerk (last name A-L)
Alison BlessingPayroll Clerk (last name M-Z)
Johnetta JonesAccounts Payable (A-L)
Pattie WeissAccounts Payable (M-Z)
Jenny EvansAssistant
Jennifer HazelPurchasing and Finance
Rod ZivkovichExecutive Director of Finance & Support


Audited Financial Reports
Audited Financial Report 23-24
Audited Financial Report 22-23
Audited Financial Report 21-22
Audited Financial Report 20-21
Audited Financial Report 19-20
Audited Financial Report 18-19
Audited Financial Report 17-18
Audited Financial Report 16-17
Audited Financial Report 15-16
Audited Financial Report 14-15
Audited Financial Report 13-14
Annual Revenues and Expenses

The General Fund budget is used to account for revenues and expenditures relating to the general operation of the school District. The General Fund accounts for such things as K-12 instructional programs, Special Education, utilities, insurance, building maintenance and supplies and materials. Operating assumptions for the General Fund include enrollment decline, Strategic Plan implementation and continued excellence in educational programming. The fund balance is an accumulated savings to cover unforeseen and critical expenses and to eliminate the need for short-term borrowing. The District's fund balance is sufficient to cover cash flow needs.

Annual Revenues and Expenses 24-25
Annual Revenues and Expenses 23-24
Annual Revenues and Expenses 22-23
Annual Revenues and Expenses 21-22
Annual Revenues and Expenses 20-21
Annual Revenues and Expenses 19-20
Annual Revenues and Expenses 18-19
Annual Revenues and Expenses 17-18
Annual Revenues and Expenses 16-17
Annual Revenues and Expenses 15-16
Annual Revenues and Expenses 14-15